About Us

Hey everyone, I am AJ  spokesman for skull reviews and you can call me a skull product enthusiast.

Finding good skull products is a priority to me. There are so many different types and brands to choose from! I just want to find a way to make this process easier.

That is my reason and motivation for creating the site. To help folks like yourself make their online skull products purchasing choices much easier and enjoyable.I know we are all different, with different tastes. That is why I encourage interaction on this website. I am sure someone will suggest a product that I have not tried or know about yet, or vice versa. That is the beauty of interaction and feedback.


My Experiences

To be honest my experiences started out through curiosity. One day while walking through a large retail store I happen to notice a lot of people wearing skull related apparel and jewelry. By the sheer numbers I knew there was something to this. So I got together with a couple of my friends and we created a Facebook fan page dedicated to skulls.


We all have our individual skills such as an eye for art imagery, writing and product research and development. At skull reviews we are value orientated people. If we pay a higher price, we expect a better product! There are many inexpensive products on the market that can rival their more expensive competitors. Let us take a journey around the different e-commerce stores and websites of the world and compare the quality. And also explore the different variety of products. From Jewelry, Skull accessories, Books, Steampunk, Cyberpunk, Gothic, Biker and everything Skulls in between.


Always Happy to Help

If you ever need any feedback or support regarding anything about skull products, We would be more than happy to connect. Simply leave your comments below and make sure you visit our site regularly as we are always updating it with crazy “ideas”and “information” that we come across that we know you will find interesting.

We wish everybody the best,

Thank You for dropping by,

All of Us at Skull Reviews

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